Keys and Treasures

This world is glorious.

This world is beautiful. 

We are meant to enjoy it as such. 

We are not meant to chain our hearts so that we hold back love in the false belief we protect ourselves by doing so.

We are not meant to box ourselves in, in order to protect ourselves from failure or judgment.

We are meant to live lives full of choices and full of endless possibilities!

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Think of the richness of life and how each day offers us opportunities to see and act from a new place. We believe that life is about living BIG when truly living life and the magic of doing so comes to us in each small moment or every day. It comes from acting in each moment as it is a gift to us. If you are feeling disconnected from the magic of every moment in life, the key to connecting again is in being connected with and acting from our hearts, from our truth. We each possess this key, we have just buried it beneath self-doubt, lack of self-love, fear and constraints. The key’s golden light shimmers and shines calling to us, letting us know that it is there for us to grasp. We need only begin to unearth it, to strip away all that we have used to hid it away. Each time you act from your heart, you listen to your soul speak to you and act on it, you strip away the detritus of this 3D life, so many of us are living, and we step into our power again.

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We have been raised to believe that we are insignificant; that we are powerless in the world; that only a chosen, select few carry power and influence and dictate to us who we are and what we can achieve. We are taught to believe that we need to struggle in life and that this is honorable and to be admired. The more we struggle and toil in a world of lack, we are taught, is to be respected. We should be resolved to lacking abundance inner life, to working only to continually find ourselves still and always lacking. This doesn’t even make sense, when I feel into it. We are setting our intentions always to the idea that regardless of how much effort we put into our work in the world, we can never have abundance in our lives. We believe we cannot decide to live out our dreams. The very idea of “dreaming” for ourselves has been made laughable, a waste of time. To dream something for yourself, we are taught, means you are elevating yourself above others. We are made to feel selfish and self-centered if we dream for ourselves a magical life full of abundance and good fortunes and happiness and contentment. We are laughed at for being “unrealistic.” We are imprisoned by society’s expectations that everyone dream small, dream limited dreams for themselves. Why? So that only a few can be powerful and carry good fortune? Since when do we believe that there is limited wealth in this world? Since when have we accepted that abundance and joy is possible, but only for a chosen few? Why cannot this be true for all of us? What would the world be like if we all were abundant and confident in our own power to create a world of our dreams? This last question is a powerful one, take some time to let this one sink in.

When I speak of abundance, wealth and fortunes, I speak of much, much more than just financial wealth, but I am speaking of soul wealth, the wealth of well-being. Not only do we need to shift our focus and attention from the false idea that we are not part of the “lucky few” who experience this in their lives, but we also need to shift how we measure a fulfilling and abundant life. It is truly not about the amount in our bank accounts. People can be abundant without amassing large amounts of money. It is about being able to do with our lives what we truly in our hearts wish we could do – which also, by the way, is what we are meant to do here on this Earth! It is about listening to what inspires you, answering the call from the universe to see where your talents and inspirations are needed and then to give the world just that in every way possible. Abundance in life means living a life that is fulfilling, harmonious, & inspiring. 

Here are some questions to ask yourself, if you find yourself lost, seeking something but you cannot see or imagine what it is fully yet:

 What are your talents? What would you like to shift or change about your life?

  • What aspect(s) of living in this world are you drawn to because you feel something needs to shift?
  • When you dream a life for yourself, what are the top 3 things you imagine? (They can be about any aspect of your life – family, job, personal development, locations, etc.)
  • What talents do you have? [Think outside the box! We all have talents and talents come in all shapes and forms. Talents can be about how you parent, how you drive, how you decorate a space, how you make people feel, how you care for yourself or others, how you move your body, how you love others, how you inspire others – they are limitless in their manifestations. If you have a hard time listing something as a talent, think of 3 moments in your life when you felt you did well for yourself or for another, then list those moments as your talent(s).]
  • Find one way you could begin to integrate this talent into your everyday life. It can be as simple as writing 1-2 things each day that you felt happy, inspired, confident, excited, content (or any positive emotion) doing (this can help you hone in on your talents, if you’re having a hard time coming up or focusing on what they are!); once a week do something that YOU want to do – whether it’s how you spend time, how you react to someone, a choice you make about how you spend your work day, taking a few moments to do nothing and just be; taking one of the talents you identified and each week/day making sure to consciously and purposefully practicing it, being in the moment doing so (this honors your talent by not only practicing it but being fully present when you do).

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